Middlebury or Wesleyan

So I’ve gotten into both Middlebury and Wesleyan and am planning to pursue either Environmental Sciences or Psychology. However, I’m not completely sure if I will stick with this and plan to spend more time at college exploring my options. I am also interested in learning a foreign language and doing a year abroad.

I’m having a lot of difficulty choosing between Middlebury and Wesleyan. While I know that Middlebury has amazing Environmental Sciences and languages programmes, I am very concerned about its location and general college atmosphere. I am an international student who has grown up in big cities and am used to that kind of life. While I know that Wesleyan too is remote, it is not as isolated as Middlebury. Also, I’m from India and am not at all accustomed to the cold weather. I’m not sure whether or not I will be able to adjust to Middlebury’s isolated location and harsh weather. I am worried about the diversity at Middlebury as a lot of the information that I’m getting says that Middlebury is a kind of a “rich white preppy kids” college with a jock culture. I’m not an athlete so once again worried about if I would fit in.

However, I know that Middlebury is more highly ranked than Wesleyan and have heard that it’s campus and facilities are much nicer. Have also heard that there are much more internship and job opportunities because of its strong alumni network. Have not been able to visit either campus and would really appreciate any help and input. Thanks!

The climate is basically the same at both schools, so take that factor out as you decide.

I assume you’ve gotten into at least one of these schools via the waiting list. Where have you put down a deposit? Which school is offering better financial aid?

Got into Middlebury from the waiting list and had previously put a deposit for Wesleyan. Have to now decide which one to take. Did not apply for financial aid

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A few things to think about:

Environmental Studies and Environmental Sciences are different, if you choose to go that route rather than psych. Here is a simple comparison of differences between E Studies and E Sciences https://envirosci.wisc.edu/environmental-sciences-vs-studies/

Wesleyan offers an Earth and Environmental Sciences major https://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/academics/splashpages/ees.html
and Environmental Studies as a linked major https://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/academics/splashpages/envs.html

Middlebury only offers an Environmental studies major http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/es

Look at the professors and annual course options in all of the above departments, perhaps one will be more appealing than the other.

Wesleyan has 3,000 undergrads and is around 12% international, Middlebury around 2,600 and around 10-11% int’l, so there will be more international students at Wesleyan. IMO if you are extroverted both schools will work, if introverted I would give a preference to Wesleyan. But those considerations should take a back seat to your preferred academic offerings.

Have you taken the virtual tours of both?

Are you on social media groups for accepted students from both schools? These might give you some sense of where you’d feel most comfortable. Both schools have strong academics and alumni networks. The weather at M will be colder but not much different from W, at least compared to India. There are other aspects of “fit” that you need to explore. Great choices!! Good luck.

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It’s difficult to advise someone who has no opportunity to visit either school except to say that whatever Wesleyan may lack in terms of location, it strives to make up for culturally, especially if you are South Asian.


There are South Asian influences throughout Wesleyan’s music and dance programs. It has an entire building dedicated to housing its Indonesian gamelan.

I wouldn’t take the ranking differences seriously. Middlebury and other smaller LACs enjoy a statistical advantage over Wesleyan because USNews favors high per capita spending and Wesleyan is the largest LAC in NESCAC,

The winter temperature difference between these locations appears to be too large to consider them equivalent in climate:

Average January Low

Middletown: -7 °C (9 °F)

Middlebury: -13 °C (19 °F)


@skipper093 : In your situation, I think that Wesleyan is the safer & wiser choice simply because you are not an athlete & Middlebury is smaller & more isolated than is Wesleyan.

Although Middlebury’s campus is quite beautiful, you will be exposed to a more diverse population at Wesleyan because it is in Middletown.

No wrong choice, however.

Congratulations on being accepted to two outstanding schools !

I thought Tufts had that designation. Unless you don’t consider Tufts an LAC.

@skipper093: An interesting aspect of attending college in the New England section of the United States is that travel within this region tends to be very interesting from an historical & natural beauty perspective.

Since you did not apply for financial aid I assume that you can afford a weekend adventure. I recommend a road trip during late September or in October from Middletown, Connecticut to Middlebury, Vermont. The drive is about 5 hours and thirty minutes (about 300 miles) and scenic. Spend a night or two at the Middlebury Inn while visiting Middlebury College.

@brantly : Tufts is classified as a National University, not as an LAC.

While harsh winters are the norm at both schools (especially compared to India), Middlebury is 200 miles north of Middletown, and really in a different category. As merc 81 pointed out, average January low is ten degrees F colder in Middlebury, which is significant. Also, Middlebury gets twice as much snow on average (69 inches vs. 35 inches).

@skipper093 - Wesleyan’s campus is beautiful! Middlebury’s campus is also beautiful but - seriously, I wouldn’t consider it that much nicer or any more prestigious and I’ve never heard that Middlebury’s alumni network is stronger. Both great schools - truly, two winners - but given your concerns about isolation and weather, I would definitely stick with Wesleyan.

Both will be cold in the winter, so I would probably take that factor out of the equation.

Both are great schools, but based on what you’ve told us, I think you would enjoy Wesleyan more.

Our tour guide at Wesleyan was an international student who couldn’t visit beforehand. He said he watched You Tube videos to get a feel for the school.

The aforementioned time is during the college family weekend and leaf peeper season. If there are any vacant rooms, they’re going to be mucho expensive.

Regarding rankings, Wesleyan in most years attracts a student body with at least as strong an academic profile as Middlebury’s. This analysis was created a few years ago and placed Wesleyan somewhat ahead of Middlebury, for example:


For a comparison pertaining to climate, people should note that Middetown’s winter temperatures fall closer to those of Nashville, Tennessee than to those of Middlebury, Vermont.

With respect to your academic programs of tentative interest, Middlebury is deservedly well known for environmental studies and languages. Wesleyan would be stronger for psychology, however.

In terms of your overall criteria and preferences, I think Wesleyan would be a stronger match for you. At the appropriate time, you could pursue an immersive environmental studies term to supplement your studies there: https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/offcampusstudy/adk.

Best of luck with your decision.

If you are coming from a warm/hot climate both locations are going to feel super cold.

OP I would watch as many videos about the schools (on their website, but also YouTube ).

Hartford being close by to Wes and going to NYC on occasion might be pretty nice when you’re feeling a bit homesick. Indian restaurants to visit. Big city vibe. etc.


The Twelve-College Exchange Program may be of interest, especially the Williams-Mystic Seaport Program.
