Need help with CS and CSE list

@collegerashmi: I will add that the Cal states all admit by major and most do not consider alternate majors so she will have to decide on CS or CSE when applying if both are offered. SJSU and Cal Poly Pomona will consider alternate majors.

For the UC’s, Freshman admission varies by campus.

UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSB, UCLA admit by major for CS and CSE in their College of Engineering.

UCM, UCR and UCSC will consider alternate majors but for UCSC, you have to be admitted into the College of Engineering to study either CS/CSE.

UCLA does not consider alternate majors.

UCSB considers alternate majors only if they are not in the College of Engineering.

UCD admits by major for CSE.
CS is in the College of Letters and Sciences but considered Selective and admits by Academic Division.

UCI admits into the University first and then into the major. In the case that UCI is unable to accommodate all qualified applicants in their first-choice major, those students who indicate a valid alternate major may be offered admission in that major or Undeclared.

UCSD: The campus does not admit students on the basis of academic major or choice of UC San Diego undergraduate college. Alternate majors are considered and capped majors are highly competitive. Also note: Capped majors require additional pre-req courses and specific GPA to be able to qualify if changing majors. Also if applying to a capped major, select an non-capped major as an alternate.

UCB offers CS (EECS) in the College of Engineering which needs a direct admit or CS in the College of Letters and Sciences which requires a secondary admission based on GPA for pre-req courses. UCB does not consider alternate majors.

There is a current CC discussion going on about CS which might be of interest: For Computer Science, at What Point is it Advisable to Consider Cost or Prestige?

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