Northeastern University 2020 ED1

Hi All,

This thread is for any discussion/decisions for RD admissions this year!

The official decision date is by December 15th, but historically decisions are released earlier, likely within the range of 12/3 to 12/12 . It will also likely be Tuesday-Thursday with Wednesday being the most common weekday in recent application rounds. Decisions for ED will release all at once.

Posting Decisions

To all those posting decisions, including the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much information of this as you are comfortable with. It shouldn’t have to be said, but numbers do not define you, this is only for statistical purposes :slight_smile:

Decision (and if deferred EA):
SAT/ACT (Superscore):
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):
Did you apply for FA?:

Thanks and good luck to all!


does anyone know anything more specific about when ED1 decisions will be released? ive seen some people say it’s today and the wait is driving me crazy. please if u know/have heard anything lmk

@aurxox I’m in the same boat–I’m anxiously waiting for them to come out and I’ve been nervous constantly since Sunday. I read in a previous forum on here that in the past four years, the progression has been that they usually come out first week in December, usually between the 5th and the 8th. I’ve also read that Northeastern tends to send out decisions on Wednesdays or Thursdays, but I’m not sure how true that is.
Good luck :slight_smile:

I just wish there was some way we could know the exact date, the fact that its probably gonna be this week has ruined my whole week. I’ve been so stressed I literally thought I was going to throw up from the stress in the middle of one of my classes today and rushed to the bathroom. I’m sure a lot of people here are going through this rn so good luck and godspeed!

@PengsPhils, when you said “RD” in your original post, did you mean ED?

@GetMeOutOfHS @aurxox @lauragpp I’m quite stressed too…I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to come out tomorrow based off the pattern for the past 4 years! Good luck!!

Applied ED
ACT Superscore: 33
GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 93/97 (scale of 100)
State: NY
Major: Psychology
Please chance me, thank you!

i read that dec 5-8 are the most plausible release dates but tbh i have no idea where anyone is getting this info from. also, does anyone know around what time decisions are released? someone said it was usually around 7pm but i haven’t seen anything else about that

u seem smart, I bet you’ll get in

I was just talking to my parents and I realized that since Thanksgiving was at its normal time this year and not early like it has been the past two years, it might come out next week sometime. In 2015, 2016, and 2017, there was a week in between Thanksgiving and admissions going out, whereas this year Thanksgiving was just last week. I’m going to assume that it might affect when admissions are being released–maybe pushing it into next week.
@aurxox @GetMeOutOfHS @gwaba18

Yikes @lauragpp I hope not! I said this earlier in the thread, but a friend of mine received her decision to NEU last year (2018) december 6th…so I hope that your theory is wrong (not trying to be rude, of course. just hoping that decisions come out tomorrow!!). We will see though! @aurxox

@aurxox based on the past 4 years, decisions have been released between 7pm and 8pm

@gwaba18 oh absolutely! I definitely agree that I hope it doesn’t get pushed back due to Thanksgiving, but I’m just saying it might. I checked on the NUAdmissions Instagram page and from their ED posts from 2015-2018, they have all been in the second week of December except for when Thanksgiving was early (like in 2017 and 2018), when it was indeed the first.
This is all hypothetical, though. I hope they come out tomorrow or sometime before Sunday. Otherwise I’ve been stressing for no reason all week :slight_smile:

@lauragpp jesusss the wait is literally killing me i just need to know

@aurxox @lauragpp 110% agree. I’ve had way too many anxiety attacks and mental break downs for this decision lol. lets just pray they come out tomorrow…

I was hoping for today! Supposedly last year they were sent out on December 4th

I honestly don’t know if I can’t take another day of this stress, I can’t even bring my self to do homework and I skipped my audition today

@aurxox @lauragpp Okay I just did some extensive research on CC, and I found some very interesting “data”. I can’t really make a succinct chart of my findings on here lol but here’s an attempt (note: Year/Date of Thanksgiving/Date that ED decisions were released)

2014 / Nov. 27 / December 8
2015 / Nov. 26 / December 8
2016 / Nov. 24 / December 8
2017 / Nov. 23 / (couldn’t find the date)
2018 / Nov. 22 / December 5

Hope this helps…!

@gwaba18 !!! hopefully that means they’ll still come out this week