Northeastern University 2020 ED2

Hi All,

This thread is for any discussion/decisions for ED2 admissions this year!

The official decision date is by February 15th, but historically decisions are released earlier, likely within the range of 2/4 to 2/13. It will also likely be Tuesday-Thursday with Wednesday being the most common weekday in recent application rounds. Decisions for ED2 will release all at once.

Posting Decisions

To all those posting decisions, including the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much information of this as you are comfortable with. It shouldn’t have to be said, but numbers do not define you, this is only for statistical purposes :slight_smile:

SAT/ACT (Superscore):
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):
Did you apply for FA?:

Thanks and good luck to all!

So, if this is the case a lot of schools I know, will not have their semester grades published. This means that they will not consider them in decisions?
Also, were there a lot of rejections this year on ED1/EA or the majority were labeled deferrals to RD?

@PengsPhils Are you also going to make a thread for RD?

@AthDia They will consider whatever they get in time. Only an adcom can really tell you more than that. There are rejections in ED/EA1, but also many deferrals. ED didn’t have any rejections or deferrals posted this year so it’s hard to know if ED has deferrals or not. ED1 appeared to suffer from selection bias of posting those results.

@CMH2024 I tend to try and wait until decision dates are closer to make threads as they tend to turn into lots of anxious seniors waiting around otherwise. Expect to see one early February.

@PengsPhils Great, thank you! Also, in my portal there is a place to upload additional materials. Since I’m applying RD, would it be to late to submit an essay on why I’m interested in Northeastern (since I was never able to visit campus), just as a way of showing demonstrated interest. I wouldn’t think they would have made RD decisions already so would that be feasible? Thanks again.

@PengsPhils Thank you very much!
Can anything else help at this point? Is it smart to contact the admission office (one last time)? Or will it hurt at this point?

ED1 acceptance rate including was right around 54%. Do we think this will be similar for ed2? Anyone know if they were similar in past years?

@yellowlab64 Where did you get that 54% from?

It might include student-athletes and legacy students that drive the acceptance percentage up. It sounds artificially high!

@PengsPhils In the ea thread a counselor said he received an email (comment #403) that said ED1 had 1,900 applications, in which 700 received fall admittance and 340 received Nu.In admittance. (700+340)/1900 = 54.7% admit rate

@AthDia This is pure speculation but I would guess maybe (NEU has 13 D1 sports, so maybe 50-100 athletic students accepted for D1?). Correct me if I’m nowhere near what would be a close approximation please. Anyways, let’s say it’s 100 students. 600+240=840/1900=44.2% acceptance including

@yellowlab64 NU In acceptances are not included in the published acceptance rates.

lol? that is why I said this is the acceptance rate including

Anyone know what chances are of decisions being weds 2/5??

Also do they consider q1 grades?

@yellowlab64 my daughter was one of 11 recruited athletes and that’s just one team, one gender, and a roster of about 26. Granted I think there are a fair number of seniors, but I bet that hockey is even larger.

do you guys think that the decisions are going to come out this wednesday??

Have students that have already been admitted to Northeastern (EA and ED1 2020) begun registering for their NU In locations? Wondering if spots are filling up prior to the ED2 and RD admissions?

Do we think that decisions are coming out today? My ED Agreement date changed on monday and decisions always comes out on wednesday.

What do you mean when you say it changed?