Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

You may want to check out Elon. It seems to have 20,000 wonderful things about it (see thread), but I’ve also heard good things about their sports-related majors.

A few others schools you may want to consider are U. of Houston, U. of Cincinnati, and Xavier (OH). Not only do they have sports business (and regular business) programming that you may want to look into, but because of their locations in towns with multiple professional sports teams, the opportunities for school-year internships is much greater. U. of Cincinnati, in particular, places a lot of emphasis on co-ops. Many majors there, in fact, require a co-op. Those schools would all probably be likelies if your son’s GPA remains in that same ballpark. (I made a sports pun! :rofl: )

Just some food for thought. Thanks for keeping this thread alive!