Parents of the HS Class of 2019 (Part 1)

This thread is destined for parents of potential 2019 high school grads.

Thanks for starting this thread! My oldest DD is a 2019. I’m still trying to adjust to the fact that she’s a teenager now.

Hello @2girls2college and @CCadmin_sorin! We are filling out our course requests for Freshman year…DD wants to take double electives…I’m not so sure about that!

Hi, I have a college freshman and an 8th grader - both boys. Younger son is waiting to find out if he got into the performing arts school that his brother attended (plays violin). If not, he’ll attend the nearby local HS.

Went to 9th grade curriculum night this past week. High school’s around the corner! @2019hope does taking double electives mean no lunch period? That’s what it would mean for my DD.

In our school double electives means 20 minutes for lunch.

@2girl and @kandcs Sports require a class here,so she has to take summer school to free up elective space. Seems crazy to me…I’m ok with it for one year, but all 4 years???. Lunch is 30 min…classes are 50 min…they didn’t give us that option. …Does this sound weird to anyone else?

@2019hope‌ Every school is so different, nothing sounds weird anymore! I wish my DD19 who does hours and hours of gymnastics each week didn’t have to take PE. Some schools will allow a sport to fill the PE requirement. She could use that time for another elective.
Does anyone know their 19’s schedule for next year? This is what my DD will most likely be taking:
Geometry Honors
AP Environmental Science
Global 9 Honors
English Honors
Spanish 2
Studio Art (elective)

In our school Marching Band or two seasons of any sport (doesn’t have to be the same one) counts as a PE and 8th grade music or choir can be counted as your fine art.

We’ll be taking Marching Band, hopefully Jazz band, honors everything else, French for the language I think… If he makes Jazz band then Health on-line in summer school and info-tech next summer in summer school. DD16 did it, it was very doable.

Right now her schedule looks like this:
Pre-AP English
Pre-AP World Geography
Pre-AP Algebra 1
Pre-AP Biology
Latin 1
Dance 1 as a fine art (Also part of Drill/Dance Team)
Soccer 1

Health and Speech will have to be done in the summer…

DS’s schedule currently looks like this:

AP Human Geography
Gifted English
Gifted Biology
Accelerated Analytic Geometry /Advanced Algebra
French 1

They only have to take 1 year of Health/PE.

I have a 19er too! My oldest is a class of 16 and goes to a magnet program. My younger son meets the qualification for the program, so through sibling preference should get in. But the announcements won’t be made until the end of March. So first we have to know for sure where he’ll go to high school before we pick classes!

Joining! I have a 19er waiting to hear if he is accepted to a marine science magnet school…should hear this weekend or early next week. I also have a 14er, a 16er, and a 2020 so I’ll be on cc a long time lol!

Hi @piesquared and @cakeisgreat!
Has anyone started planning for summer? My daughter is trying to save money for gymnastics camp. I want her to go to engineering camp. We’ll see what actually happens.

Sigh…just got the rejection letter that my son did not make it into to marine science school.So bummed and a bit surprised but of course I have mom goggles! He did make it into the early college academy where he can graduate high school with an associates degree, so we will pursue that but that is very costly and the magnet school was free! Oh well.there is a reason for everything.

This summer is going to be low key for my son…probably going to do some golf lessons but mainly chilling out. Unless something fun comes up!

Well, just got DS started in college last fall and DD starting HS next fall. She’s moving from a private school to a public HS so course articulation is going to be a challenge. Her C in advanced math at her school should probably have her ready to do Trig at the new school. She’ll have to take Algebra though because passing a standardized algebra test is a state requirement for graduation. On the other hand, her A’s in Science and French give me little confidence for high achievement at the freshman honors level. No AP classes for freshmen around here. Oh well, guess we’ll take a heuristic approach. Ready, Fire, Aim.

Hello all! My first CC post after lurking for months. It’s official–my DD was accepted to two high schools she applied to and after an agonizing process, we have selected the one she will attend. I’m so happy she was 2 for 2, but I didn’t expect to have such angst with the decision making process. Meet to discuss registration this week. She learns differently and doesn’t test well, so no honors placement, but is currently an honor roll student in her all-honors middle school classes. I’m trying to decide if I will push to have her placed in at least one honors course freshman year. If this is an indication of the next four years–yikes!

Glad to be here…good luck to all as we transition to high school!

Hi everyone! My younger D is class of 2019. She’ll be staying at the same charter school she is in now.
I have an older D who is class of 2015 and her college app process sucks most of the air out of the room, but hopefully D19 gets the benefit of the lessons we are learning now.

Hello everyone! I’ve been lurking around CC for a few weeks. It hadn’t occurred to me that there was already a thread for our incoming high school freshmen. I decided to sign up and see how posting goes. We live in NY and my older D is currently a 14 year old 8th grader at our district public school. She has had great experiences in both elementary (k-5 here) and middle (6-8). She has found her people in middle school and developed a real love for science and math in particular. She made course choices for 9th grade back in January. Assuming there are no scheduling conflicts she is signed up for:
English 9H
Earth Science H ( she took Living Environment/ Biology H in middle school)
Spanish 2H (took Spanish in middle school)
Pre-AP World History (NY splits World History in 2, she will take AP WH in 10th)
Algebra 2/ Trigonometry H (she took Algebra 1 H and Geometry H in middle school)
Band (she’s played flute since 4th grade)
PLTW-Design and Drawing for college credit (pre-engineering)
Phys. Ed. (Required all four years of high school in NY)

She will either have a lunch or a study hall, but not both as she chose two electives (band and the PLTW class). She desperately wanted both.

I hope we have a fun four years here!