Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Wisconsin apparently let in a lot over the past few days so they must not be. Indiana and Iowa I assume probably aren’t either. They’re much easier to get into than Michigan, Purdue and even Wisconsin except for Kelley at Indiana so I’m sure that’s why. I haven’t heard anything about UIUC but their engineering and business programs no doubt fill up. I know the private dorm kids like to live in was filled much earlier than usual but not sure if that means anything or people just use it as a placeholder. We have a ton going to Wisconsin, almost 20 to Michigan, the usual bunch to UiUC and only maybe 1 to Iowa which is rare. Then multiples outside the big 10 and other big 10 schools. I think even Purdue we may have at least 10 which is a lot. It’s a crazy year for everyone.