Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

All very good suggestions. We have set up a meeting with the teacher in Jan. My son is adamant in not wanting to drop the class. So, we might be looking for some help in the form of a tutor. Our initial goal was to have him just take Calc AB and then Calc BC as a senior. But it is only taught as a year long AB/BC. I looked into the AP exam. It seems that kids get two subscores – one each for AB and BC. Anyway here in NC, if you get a 2 on the AP test then you pass out of the prerequisites for college calculus at state schools. Some colleges (not NCSU/UNC-CH) will also waive prerequisites based on SAT score.

Speaking of SAT scores, DS got a 1320. In line with his PSAT. He was hoping for 1350+ so we are looking at a retake. Our school has all juniors take the ACT in March about a week before SAT. Trying to decide if we should do that or wait until fall. On one hand, he just took PSAT and SAT plus will take the ACT. So, should be a well-oiled machine. On the other hand, might be a bit too much.