Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

The die has been cast. Now on to decision time, I’m relieved this part of the process is over and S23 can focus on finding the best fit. He is leaning to the top 3 but appreciate any insights to some of the other schools on the list

William and Mary (RD) Accepted
Villanova (EA) - Accepted
Richmond (EA) - Accepted
Rochester (RD) - Accepted
CWRU (EA) - Accepted
Holy Cross (RD) Accepted
Lafayette (RD) Accepted
UMD (EA) - Accepted
Rutgers (RD) – Accepted

BC (RD) Waitlist
Wake (RD) Waitlist
CMU (RD) - Waitlist

Notre Dame (REA) - Rejected
Gtwon (REA) - Deferred - Rejected
UVA (EA) - Rejected
Brown (RD) - Rejected