Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I know this is a broken record, but unsolicited college emails are out of control. Our son used an email address for college stuff that also forwards the emails to my wife and I (he has a different email that is private). Months ago he was getting ~50 college emails a day. Now it’s averaging closer to ~100 a day (I am systemically removing them to a folder averaging blocks of time before permanent deletion). That’s an insane amount of college spam. And a disproportionate amount of it is from colleges that literally email every single day and occasionally multiple times a day.

There should be a happy medium between a student agreeing to receive emails from colleges on their standardized tests and being bombarded without restraint by colleges. Not to mention, these days the colleges are buying student names who didn’t even agree to it on the test forms. There’s no shame and no integrity – these institutions are basically used car lots at this point. We saw this cycle with our older kids too but it wasn’t this bad – it’s definitely amped up.