Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

It’s fine to remind ourselves and our kids to have a thick skin, to be more resilient when people say mean or insensitive things. But may be on the other side of this, don’t say mean or insensitive things?

I think some here are missing the difference between being proud and being insensitive/obnoxious.
Example: if you’re on the Princeton RD thread in late March there are going to be several posters mentioning they got in, and a lot more expressing their disappointment, frustration, etc. If your kid applied RD and got in, go ahead and say so. That’s being a proud parent, and I don’t see an issue. But after reading dozens of heartbreaking posts there’s no need to mention your kid got in REA 3 months ago, or listing the 5 other elite schools they got into. That’s not the time and place. This isn’t being a proud parent, it’s being an insensitive person.