Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Sounds amazing and definitely more worthwhile experiences in summer 2022 than test prep.

I agree with @EconPop @AlwaysMoving and @MommaLue that while test optional/test blind policies will continue, SAT/ACT tests will remain useful for scholarships and placement into courses.

Btw, I had listened to the UC Board of Regents deliberations on May 21, 2020 (discussion in morning, vote in afternoon) regarding phasing out SAT/ACTs.

While the Board ended up unanimously voting to adopt then-President Janet Napolitano’s memo, there was definitely spirited (but respectful) debate.


The reason why test optional for 1st 2 years for COVID-19 is because a lot of HS are going pass/fail, and Academic Council’s Standardized Testing Task Force (STTF) showed that SAT/ACT scores did help identify some Under-Represented Minority (URM) groups.

Test Blind next 2 years - Allows for evaluating a student if score is additive to applicant file.


UC Board members didn’t appear to have the appetite or funding to go the route of developing their own test… and that the same concerns re: test prep for families that can afford it will follow whatever test is used (if at all in the future).

Press release including update for the Nov 2020 injunction: University of California Board of Regents unanimously approved changes to standardized testing requirement for undergraduates | University of California

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