Please test if your battery drain problems are still happening

A couple of weeks ago I announced a Possible performance improvement on mobile. But many people pointed out there was still a problem with the site draining their battery. Less obvious, but the problem was also on laptop and desktop machines. Even while plugged in, I noticed my laptop power at less than 100% if I was using the site a lot. And I have been using it a lot. :wink:

Over the weekend our team discovered a problem with the custom code we use to put advertising on the site. Without getting into too much detail, there was a bit of code that was running every quarter second and failing. When you first load the page, it’s not a big problem, but the longer you used the site, the worse it got. For people (like me) who don’t reboot their computers every day, the problem would eventually crash the browser tab.

This morning we fixed this particular problem. We think it might fix the battery drain problem in general, but we’d like to verify that. If you have experienced the battery drain problem in the past, refresh those tabs and try the forums again. Closing the tab might not be enough. You’ll want to bypass the browser cache to make sure.

Everyone will eventually get the new code even if they do nothing special. But if you do refresh your browser and give it some time to see if the problem still exists, I’d love your feedback:

  • Fixed for me
  • Better, but still not great
  • Battery still draining (no change)
  • Got worse somehow
  • I never noticed the problem in the first place
  • Just show me the results of this poll

0 voters

And, of course, you can leave a comment if there’s anything else we should know about.