Possible change to Bright Futures (limiting majors)

This bill is up for its first hearing on Tuesday in the Education committee. I think we need to flood them with emails against it. Please each do unique emails with different subject headings from each of you and anyone else to whom you pass this along. (You can do the same email to each senator). The democrats will vote against the bill, I’m sure. We need to turn just one Republican to kill the bill. The Republican members of the Education committee are listed below. Here is the bill. You should read so you understand what it does: https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/86/BillText/Filed/PDF. Underlined words are new language added to the current statutes.

This is the key provision they added:

(c) Eligibility for state financial aid awards and tuition assistance grants must be reevaluated each term based on the program of study to which the student has been admitted and in which he or she is enrolled. Beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter, eligibility for such awards and grants is contingent on the student’s enrollment in a career certificate or degree program on an approved list developed pursuant to s. 1009.46(2)(a).

It also changes the way the scholarships are funded and the legislature decides the funding amounts each year in the budget.

If anyone wants to testify, you need to be in Tallahassee and it’s remote from the civic center. Obviously this is easiest for FSU students, so please see who you can round up, as well as graduate students and professors or alumni.

My legislative aide, Daphne is cc’ed here – she can help answer any questions about the process, etc.

Joe Gruters:


Jennifer Bradley:


Doug, Broxson:


Manny Diaz, Jr.


Travis Hutson:


Kathleen Passidomo:


We need to stop this bill!

Thanks for your involvement,
