Possible performance improvement on mobile

We believe we fixed a problem with the mobile experience that caused page load issues for all phones and tablets.

We could use your help testing this. If you are using a mobile device and have been having problems related to performance, would you mind testing the site again and reporting back your device, browser, and whether or not you notice an improvement in page responsiveness? Thanks for your help and patience.

Site is still freezing on my iPhone

I’m on my ipad using Safari. I just clicked on the Class of 2021 part 2 thread. After 40 seconds of nothing but a spinning circle in the middle of my screen, I had to completely close out the window. I have not yet tried again to access that thread.

Is this related to the battery drain issue? This is the first time I’ve tried to do much on my phone, so I can’t say if it’s any faster, but my battery availability seems to be going down a percent every minute or two. (Fairly new iPhone SE, latest OS.)

By the way I have no idea why that appears to have posted twice.

I’m on my iPhone 6. The mobile view is choppy and unusable. The desktop view scrolls smoothly and is working ok when I need to “jump to” the end of a long thread.

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Heh, looks like you fixed the ability to type into your box and I can actually see what I am typing. It’s still a bit sluggish. But the delay is less. Pixel 3a all updates. But the double entry with one grayed out for a while then it evidently goes away is still there.

It looks like the constant video ads are what burns 25% to 50% of the CPU time.

I’ve been on here ~10 minutes, @CC_Jon, and have already lost an hour of battery life. I can’t afford that kind of drain on my battery. If your people can’t fix whatever’s causing the issue I won’t be able to use your app.

Have you tried an ad blocker or using something like Brave just for this site? You shouldn’t have to but quick fix for the battery drain and some other issues you might be having,as a work around.

The mobile version is draining my iPhone 7 battery, and the thread load is choppy and jumpy.

Using my IPad, I get a blank screen when I try to reply to posts. I have to exit out of the site and then log in again. I might have to do this several times before the reply loads.

@knowsstuff, I have an ad blocker. It’s not helping. I tracked battery usage yesterday and lost 5 hours of power in just 40 minutes on this site.

We’re testing removing some unused JavaScript from the site. Also, we are making changes to our ad server setup, that might help people who see ads. That said, we know there are other performance problems which we can clear out. We haven’t stopped working on it and won’t until we’ve corrected the issue.

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still cant find a way to click to get to the last post in a thread. Am reading on ipad but in desktop mode. Still have to scroll and scroll…

Can you try mobile view again? We made some changes that might make it easier.

OK- switched over. I briefly found a “slide bar” that kept me easily scrolling/down to pots, which I really liked, but now I can’t fond it. It seemed to have been down by the blue box with the # of poss, but now I cant access it, I am on an ipad. I haven’t tried again on the phone. Its simply too frustrating.

So I was going to post a photo of the little slide bar that occasionally is accessible next to the blue post count number box at the bottom but the little photo icon that I see below this reply box (not seeing it in the top row like @CC_Jon showed in another post) doesn’t seem to to work for me.

Well I had to switch back to desktop to find that photo symbol where Jon described it, but for some reason when I click on the option to access my photo files nothing happens.

@jym626 IIRC I read somewhere that only admin (maybe mods?) can post photos. It is frustrating b/c being able to post photos here as an example with a question that is directly related to a feature/function would be very helpful for users. And then more frustrating b/c users see the photo icon, try to use it like you just did, and can’t figure out why it does not work.