Posts on Forums seem to be down considerably

But lacking a key feature that would make it more feasible to use:

Threaded display (hierarchical view) instead of “stream” display

At present responses to responses to responses will be jumbled with other responses to responses to responses - based on the time posted. This makes it impossible to follow conversations, or crucially, quickly “skipping” past particular tangential sub-threads to the next truly new contribution in the main thread.

I’ve found myself abandoning topics, because there’s no way I’m going to spend half an hour reading 70 messages that really should have been “grouped” as 3 or 4 sub-threads that I could have easily glanced over and remain active in the main thread.

PS - I have no idea what the “Card View” is supposed to do. Whenever I click on it, the page refreshes, but leaves the “Category” view and goes to “Latest” instead without my asking/wanting, but never actually changes appearance?

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