Premed Question

I am also trying to finish the college for 3 year and write MCAT not sure if that is possible.

The MCAT has an expiration date of 2-3 years from the date you take it. (Oldest acceptable date of test varies by school.)

If you’re planning on doing one or more gap years, it may be best to postpone taking the MCAT until you’re closer to the year you plan to apply.

Do we have any private counselor who can guide us for course selection so we wont miss anything for premed in 3 years

Private counselor–no, but there will likely be a a pre-health profession advising office at your college. The advisor[s] there can offer you some guidance, but HP advisors vary in how good they are. Some can give really poor advice. Also the courses required for admission are not identical for every med school.

In general, you’ll need
1 year intro bio /w labs
1 year gen chem w/ labs
1 year ochem w/labs
1 year intro physics w/labs
1 semester biochem
2 semesters of writing skills -some med school specifically require 2 semester of English classes
1 semester into sociology
1 semester intro psychology
1 year of college level mathematics (one semester of which needs to be stats or bio stats)

Specific med schools may have other requirements, such as anatomy & physiology, calc 2, genetics, upper level social science, medical ethics, public speaking.

At a minimum you should look up what all your state medical schools require as pre-reqs since your home state public med schools are your best opportunity for an acceptance and also your least expensive choice.

All med schools expect/require that coursework taken during HS or at community college be supplemented with additional UL coursework in the same subject area at a 4 year college. IOW, you’ll need to take additional bio and stats classes when you get to college if you want to be considered a competitive applicants for med school admission.

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