Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Make sure you have applied to a good number of programs. 30 has been the target for girls, 25 for boys. You have time to apply to more programs at this point, and still be eligible for merit scholarship consideration. Your prescreens are in the can and ready to upload, so what’s another essay. Merit deadlines can be 11/1 or 12/1. Perspective: Last year, Syracuse had 800 applicants for MT and extended a final audition to 400, yielding a class of 25ish. CCM had upwards of 1200 applicants for MT and invited approximately 400 to finals, for a class of 25ish. Alabama whittled down approximately 600 applicants to around 200 for finals for a class size of roughly 12. Be open minded, explore different programs and tracks. An early “no” can be a gift. And a non-audition BA with the ability to cross-train can be gold. Don’t get hung up on the brand. A redirect from MT to Acting or Theatre Arts is also valid.