Public Schools with No or Minimal Tuition Differences for Out-of-State Students

For U.S. residents who live abroad, or families whose child wants to go out-of-state but are looking for more affordable options…what are some public schools where there is no difference between the tuition charged to in-state residents as compared to out-of-state residents?

These schools, at least through SY21-22 (per College Navigator, the feds’ website), did not have higher levels of tuition for out-of-state students.

  • Alcorn State (MS)
  • Bemidji State (MN)
  • Central Michigan
  • Ferris State (MI)
  • Lake Superior State (MI)
  • Minot State (ND)
  • Northern Illinois
  • Southern Illinois
  • U. of Akron (OH)
  • Wayne State (NE)
  • Western Illinois

What do we consider a small difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition? $5k? $3k? Something else?


Hi there, thank you for this list! I’m intrigued and wonder why some are not so different and some are worlds apart. All I can add is that at University of North Texas, if you get a scholarship of $1,000 or more, you get in-state tuition no matter where you live. It seems like 1K is an auto-merit, and so for some students it would fit this list.


UMN-Morris is Minnesota’s public LAC, and has OOS tuition only ~$2k more than in-state, plus lots of scholarships. It’s a hidden gem, with very solid education and lots of personal attention. Downside is that it is in a very rural location, 3 hours West of Minneapolis-St. Paul airport.

Claims to fame include the Biology professor PJ Myers who runs an atheism/humanism blog with national reach. Also for over 100 years had had a policy of free tuition for any Native American student, no matter where they are from. This includes Canadian First Nations students. You have to be either an enrolled tribal member or the child or grandchild of an enrolled member.


The tuition waiver is described here:

In addition to “an enrolled member” or “a direct descendant of a parent or grandparent who is an enrolled member”, “a direct descendant of a tribally verified member … other than parent or grandparent” is also eligible.

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It’s PZ Myers :wink: and yes he is well known and respected amongst the academic science internets. He’s one of what seems like depressingly few atheist/humanist men of a certain era who has not been subsequently shown to be a creep. He was very supportive of victims early on, well before the metoo movement really gained steam.

I agree that UMN Morris is a hidden gem.

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