Rice University 2024 Waitlist

Hi! Didn’t see this thread up yet, anyone planning to accept their spot on the waitlist? Does anyone have experience w Rice’s waitlist specifically?

I’ve accepted my spot but from what I have gathered, chances are very slim for anyone to make it off the waitlist. But who knows, I might get lucky.

In my opinion, waitlists will move more this year than normal. A lot of kids didn’t get to do campus visits before things were shut down so more might decline spots than typical. There are also some experts who think more kids will take gap years or stick close to home. But, while it’s all speculation I wouldn’t plan on things going this year just like they have in previous years. If you’re really interested in Rice and there is a chance you’d accept a spot if offered, I would accept the spot on the list and see what happens. It doesn’t hurt! My D was waitlisted at a school last year and she was one of only a handful that got offered a spot. She ended up declining it because by then she’d committed elsewhere and moved on, but it shows that if even only a couple get off, one of them could be you!

I agree with @PrdMomto1. The waitlist may move a lot more this year. The status of international students’ ability to attend may change dramatically. Many parents’ financial status and ability to fund a private education may change due to the stock market volatility, oil price instability, loss of employment etc. Go ahead and accept your place on the waitlist. However, it is best to not spend too much time worrying about getting off the list. Commit to a school you are happy to attend. If you get pulled off the waitlist, you can reevaluate things then.

I am actually an international student myself with a ton of waitlists haha. I am not quite sure how I am going to be affected by these circumstances.

The most current data (from the common data set) has waitlist #'s for the Class of 2020, 2021 and 2022 and on average only 16/year came off the waitlist or put another way less than 1% of the students that accepted a spot on the waitlist.

I agree with @Houston1021
“it is best to not spend too much time worrying about getting off the list. Commit to a school you are happy to attend.”

440 students of the incoming class is ED and committed, so I don’t think they can back out now, right?

I got waitlisted to Rice too. I sent my Regional Admissions Counselor a LOCI today and she replied saying all decisions were finalized. So…I guess like they already know who to bring in or if they are even taking people off the waitlist…

I would be surprised if they meant they do not plan to use their waitlist at all. Both Chicago and Dartmouth have already made offers from theirs which is out of the ordinary. I suspect this might be a trend at many schools this year.

That’s weird though, it’s still the first week of April, they can’t possibly have an accurate yield yet. Maybe they thought you were sending it in for an appeal?

What would be the cause for UChicago and Dartmouth to be going to their waitlist so early? Could it be that they are getting more 'no’s than usual thus will have to have a larger waitlist acceptance this year? Keeping my fingers crossed this will be the case for Rice.

Well lots of international students will not graduate on time with final exams cancelled (IGSC and A-levels in the UK for example)… if this continues no visas or flights… so if your class is 10% international you’ll dip early into the waitlist

The US headache just started and in two weeks 10 million applied for unemployment. They are expecting 30 million so although lots are sounding positive about their college choices as things progress students will drop out.

Lots of uncertainty and if they want to hold to the May 1st deadline they will have to accept off the waitlist especially if they don’t have a summer or spring start programs

Is Rice expected to release waitlist decisions earlier this year?

Havent heard anyone get off of it yet, but if a lot of people choose to decline early on they might

Anyone accepted yet, I plan on sending my LOCI in a couple of days

@Houston1021 What are your thoughts on the waitlist timeline for 2024? Are they similar to that communicated in the 2023 thread? That thread was really helpful to see where things played out. Thoughts? Thanks so much for all the communication you have provided on all threads re:Rice.

how did you know Dartmouth got students from their waitlist? I got waitlisted too so I’m just curious. @PrdMomto1

I can’t remember where I heard it. I swear I saw someone say they got off it but looking at the Dartmouth page here I’m not seeing any chatter so I wonder if I misunderstood. Sorry for the confusion!

Other notable private universities have begun to go to waitlists. Someone from my school just got off the Emory waitlist.

I doubt Rice will go to the waitlist before May 1. However, this year there may be more students taken from the waitlist than usual because of uncertainties with the pandemic, travel, immigration restrictions, etc. Ten percent of the admission offers were extended to international students. https://www.ricethresher.org/article/2020/03/2024-admissions

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My timeline request was more about the time between May 1 and July. I realize ALL is just speculation but appreciate the multitude of responses re:Rice. Extremely helpful.