Should CC allow posts that aren't related to colleges

I was wondering if it’s a good idea or bad judgment to allow social or political threads on CC unrelated to college search? Don’t want CC standards to go down like most of Internet forums where posters spew hatred without any filter.

This post is sandwiched in between a thread about the Orlando terrorist attack and one about Flip This House, so I see what you’re saying. However, there is a community here, that’s been built up over time and long before I even heard of this site. Rest assured, moderators keep an eye out for and delete posts that are inappropriate and violate the TOS in one way or another.

In my experience, the moderators here have a handle on things & do a very good job keeping things relatively civil.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: There used to be a political forum on CC, but it was impossible to moderate it, so it was eliminated. That’s why we don’t allow political threads anymore. It’s impossible to police all the threads, so we rely on members’ reports to reduce incivility.

One of OUR pet peeves is when we get messages from users asking why we “allow” some posts but not others. We respond that we can’t see everything. I will check the user’s history and usually discover that he or she has not reported even ONE post to moderators. Well, gee, we can’t help you if you don’t help us!

And OP, I see that you have been warned a few times yourself, so be careful.

That’s one of the reasons, I asked. It’s hard to say what makes a post objectionable and others okay. Well, in most cases. Wouldn’t it be better to just keep CC specialized for college related topics?

Honestly, I don’t understand why this is an issue for you. Read what you are interested in, comment appropriately, and skip that which doesn’t work for you. It’s really not that difficult. That way the rest of us can continue on as we are.

It’s not an issue for me but I value CC. It’s a very useful forum and I don’t want it to loose its popularity, effectiveness or standards.

OP, there are DOZENS of forums on this site dedicated to nothing but college. There are only a tiny handful that “allow” other topics, and some have actually proven quite useful to many posters. Health-related posts, for example, have possibly saved lives. Help for travel, finances, and so on are also worth their weight in gold. As the saying goes, if you don’t like a topic, don’t post on it, or don’t START one in the first placve, if it will only make you angry to see opinions that you don’t like. I love the non-college-related “Parent Cafe” for example. I’ve found many of those topics useful and even fun.

I enjoy those as well but as main audience of this forum are underage students, I felt we should keep this in mind.

Really, you think it will lose its popularity or effectiveness? The Parent Cafe (and I think there are a few other cafes) has been going for many years without causing harm to the rest of CC. The political forum (no longer active/allowed) was a true swamp. But I see no reason why the cafes take away from the rest of CC. If you don’t like 'em, don’t sit down for coffee in them.

Also, people make objectionable posts all the time when talking about college topics, too!

Reddit> CC for general discussion. Way too much filter on here hopes i don’t get banned for saying this

The Mods shut them down when it gets repetitive to the point of being moot, when it gets nasty, and political stuff. Not much will get someone “banned”. A warning is not a ban, it is a reminder to knock it off is all.

I see lots of jailbars lately. Maybe ppl are becoming less civil rather than the forum less free. TJailbirds can still post, after all…

As for non college topics, if you watch the “Latest posts” area, you see them. If you watch a specific set of college boards, you rarely do. There are areas just for chatty stuff.

@deeeznuts, looking at the number of warnings you’ve received, I can see why you might think there are too many filters on here. I, on the other hand, thinks it shows that the system is working.

Reddit doesn’t have much in the way of filters at all. Horrible place a lot of the time. I feel much more comfortable here.

I have a really hard time staying on-topic because each subject sparks dozens of other semi-related topics. Sometimes I can eventually relate it back, sometimes it’s enjoyable to watch what rabbit hole it goes down.

I would find such a rigidly defined forum as you describe stifling and unlike real life.

I’m surprised admin would allow this. They gave me a formal warning for commenting on an old thread, so I don’t see why they would be willing to allow heated political discussions to continue lol.

@JadedJunior, two things:

  1. Please read my post #3. You have never reported a post.
  2. Why do you have two accounts? That is a violation of the Terms of Service.

@MaineLonghorn I forgot the password to my other account and I had no idea we weren’t allowed to make another one, sorry, I can leave