Should I attend CC or a bad 4 year college?

@adara2 -

How is online school working for you? Montgomery College announced at the end of February that classes will continue to be remote through the fall semester of 2021 except for certain sections that require live hands-on training (automechanics, carpentry, some nursing and other science classes, etc.). If infection rates in Montgomery County fall low enough, it might be possible for some other courses to move to campus at some point in that semester. But right now everyone is just preparing to stick with remote instruction.

So if online isn’t your best way to study, a gap semester or year could make good sense. @MYOS1634 has good advice for you above about Questbridge. Check the subforum for that, and also read through this thread for more useful ideas. Reject Train Going Full Speed HKimPossible took a gap year, made a different list, and ended up with the money needed.