Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for Syracuse Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

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My daughter applied RD to College of Arts and Sciences/School of Education. Hoping for good news soon! :crossed_fingers:

I spoke to the financial aid office today and for RD applicants he said mid March is when decisions come out. So we wait ugh patiently lol


Waiting not so patiently over here :frowning:


Us too on the not so patient waiting. Syracuse, of all the schools on our son’s list, seems like it would be so FUN. He is not a partier, and can be a bit too intense about his schoolwork. But he loves having fun with friends. The whole family thinks Syracuse would be a wonderful fit for him and were totally charmed by our visit.

He’d get a great education and would have a blast there. The engineering students we met seemed friendly and chill. And he loves cold weather and Otto. It’s a great combination of so many things. It’s a long shot that the finances will work out, but we have fingers crossed.


Last year, my daughter heard in mid March, but other kids I know heard in late March. I have no patience for the waiting!


I have no knowledge of what their process might be this year but it seems as though looking at the thread from last year they issued decisions on Fridays throughout March. No idea if there was a rhyme/reason to who gets what each week or not (i.e. by program, scholarship, etc).

Ultimately we’ve come resigned to reality that it won’t be until mid-April that we know the full picture of acceptances and aid that will allow for an informed decision! Best of luck to all!


D23 applied RD to Newhouse (TV/Film) and a second major in Arts&Sciences (maybe Statistics?)
Gonna be a long wait. I wish I knew her chances for sizable merit. She was accepted to Wisconsin yesterday, which even OOS is much less expensive than Cuse. I’ll buckle in for the ride I guess.


Does Syracuse look at mid year grades for RD if you send them?

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I hope so. D23’s were already downloaded by Syracuse.

Did the school send them or did you? Our semester isn’t over until next week. Thanks!

we’re on trimesters. The school auto-loads grades through the common app after each trimester. I have heard of people sending their grades manually but not sure how and where. Better for the schools to do it I think.

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Our mid year grades will be available next week. The guidance counsel at the hs said she puts it in Naviance. Does the college get an alert that grades have been updated?

I think so. My kids’ grades were all showing as uploaded by 20 colleges all on the same day. So I think its automated.


I don’t know if it’s a notice or automated. Syracuse doesn’t seem to have an item on the application checklist for mid-term grades (if someone else is seeing one would be good to know!). I did notice on a different school portal that the day after the school counselor put mid-term grades in Naviance it showed on that portal. I doubt the universities have to do anything manual to download the report - it should all be automated.

My son just went through his portals and emails with me, and I noticed that Syracuse was inundating him with promotional emails, several each week from October thourgh January. And then it just stopped. Anybody else notice this?

Yes - but noticed the exact same thing with every other school that had a submission date for admissions (non-rolling). Why continue to send promotional emails after the final application date?


Because you want then to not just apply but attend

Syracuse is relatively active - as many schools are - on social media. I suspect that they’d believe that if you applied to them you’ve also decided to follow them on whatever the platform(s) of choice are.

Are you suggesting you want MORE promotional emails from colleges? :rofl:

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Ummm no thanks… lol :joy: to the emails they just keep coming and coming and coming and we keep unsubscribing and unsubscribing :crazy_face::crazy_face: