Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

As an update, I think I’m going to pick RIT/Upstate over Yale!

Finances ended up paying an indirect role. I’m saving around $300,000~ by choosing the BS/MD due to scholarships and in-state discounts, so I’ll likely graduate from medical school with no debt! Definitely something I don’t want to take for granted.

Since I’m set on going into medicine, I didn’t really see the benefit of attending Yale. Maybe I could’ve gotten into a better medical school and thus a better residency? Even that wasn’t a guarantee in today’s climate, unless I was willing to possibly take some gap years, as most Yale pre-meds do before applying.

The only real thing attracting me was prestige, but that seems silly now. The most likely outcome out of Yale would’ve been attending a medical school ranked similarly/slightly better than Upstate, in which case I’d be spending an extra $300K for essentially the same career outcome. The Yale degree adds little value, too, since I’m dead set on medicine.

Besides, there isn’t really a situation where I see myself regretting choosing the BS/MD. I’ll have ample time to develop myself as a person outside school, and I’m still going to a pretty chill school. Had I chosen Yale and struggled throughout undergrad (or had some issues w/ med school applications), I’d be punching myself for not carrying through with Upstate!

Thank you to all who supported me through the process! Excited for what’s to come!