Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Straight from SLU admission counselor response in 2018.

  • Roughly 120 students enroll in the Medical Scholars program each year.
  • About 50% of those students leave the program by the time the interviews roll around sophomore year. The majority of the students that leave the program leave because they are no longer interested in being doctors. Counselor don’t have the breakdown between not meeting grade vs. losing interest.
  • Typically 89% of the remaining students are offered spots in the SOM.

If I go with statement that students lose the interest in medicine in just year, very difficult to digest when EAP program is being promoted and SLU enrolls them too. In my view that is more roll the dice approach if anyone is indeed doing that. What is plan B? if you also happen to lose interest.

If I go with grade statement, how is it even difficult to manage minimum required GPA?

In my own internal investigation, GPA was a major culprit than lack of interest after a year. Partly not because SLU BCPM courses are difficult to learn, rather student themselves who are not top of their game and pushed through programs by whatever force. If you are a top student, you will thrive in any EAP program. But if you are a borderline, you will struggle and w/o plan B SLU UG degree won’t get you anywhere.

All I am saying, do your own due diligence before committing to an EAP program.