Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

you can see the duration in the feeder college websites.
Adelphi said it’s “4+4 Guaranteed Entrance Program/ Accelerated Scholars Program Bachelor of Arts, Science or Fine Arts degree from Adelphi/ Doctor of Medicine M.D. from SUNY Upstate”.
Another feeder college RIT said “Upstate will reserve a place for the RIT graduates to matriculate following the completion of their four-year bachelor’s degree.”
If you graduate early in the UG part, According to Upstate “Because seats in each entering class are limited (160 students a year) and of those a specific number of seats are held in advance for early assurance students, we must require you to come the year you were accepted. If students graduate early, they are welcome to take a gap year prior to their anticipated matriculation year.” IMO, it Means you can convert/customize Upstate BSMD program to 6 or 7 year program.