Trying to get a handle on Swarthmore

When I think of Swat, I don’t think of kids going straight to work at Big 4 firms and the like. I actually associate that much more with Davidson and more conservative LACs/unis like Wake Forest and Lehigh. This post is still relevant. Best LAC's for a Career in Business
I don’t think Swat is mentioned.

Your child can have a life of the mind at Swat and many other LACs, and at big unis too. My kid 100% had life of the mind at Bates. It was plenty rigorous there but not intensely so. Her friends were more the nerdy studious types. While a couple have gone into IB, others are taking totally different paths. Many of her friends are working in research labs, doing grad programs, completing scholarship programs such as Fulbright, or working in career jobs.

If your child wants life of the mind, he can get that at Carleton too, or Reed, or Union, or Hamilton, or Allegheny. It’s about him finding others who are interested in that, and engaging with profs who encourage that kind of dialog. That’s why I say most LACs can offer the life of the mind.

Swat is an LAC and he will be able to study what interests him. No one is going to force him to get a job at Bain or KPMG.