UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Ok so for acceptances, it has landed is here, per the 1500+ posts:

  1. When you go to the calnet acct manager, login using MAP@Berkeley credentials, you should see FORBIDDEN. Additionally, the end of the url should read …welcome/SLATE.

2)In your MAP@Berkeley portal, when you click the “withdraw application” button, it should open a page that says Withdraw Application Request Form, with an option to check a box and button to withdraw your application.

3)on this same Withdraw Application Request Form page, when you inspect the source code, below the line that reads “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form), you should have a line of code reading:
{return (false) && (true) && (true);

EDITED to remove the SIS/ID bit of information, as it turns out that may NOT be definitive for acceptance.

additional notes
-those who are unable to access the withdraw app form and that have the pop up that says “unauthorized to withdraw” are likely rejected.
-all those who are authorized to see the withdraw app are either waitlisted or accepted. to tell whether you’re waitlisted or accepted, then check the source code on the withdraw page. FTT= accepted, but FFT= waitlist