UC Computer Science admit rates

Since there is so much interest in the CS admit rates for the UC’s, here is some information I have been able to gather on the admit rates for several of the UC’s. Not all UC’s are transparent so I encourage any posters that have access to more complete data to post their findings.

2022 CS admit rates if available

Campus CS
UC Berkeley 2.9%-L&S EECS-4.5%
UC Davis No data but <20%
UC Irvine 5.8%
UCLA 3.8%
UC Merced 85%
UC Riverside 36%
UC San Diego No data but <10%
UC Santa Barbara No data Historically 5-6%
UC Santa Cruz 60%

UCLA admit rate for CS in 2021 was 5.4% and for 2022 the admit rate was 3.8%.

UCB’s 2022 admit rate for the College of Engineering was around 7%. If applying for EECS, it was 4.5%
CS in the College of Letters and Sciences was 2.9%. OPA – University of California Berkeley

UCI’s 2021 admit rate for CS was 7.1%. Updated for 2022 at 5.8%

No specific data for UCSD CS only Student Profile Information: https://ir.ucsd.edu/undergrad/publications/21_22_StudentProfiles.pdf

UCSB historic admit rate for CS 6-8%. New Freshmen Profile | Office of Budget & Planning

No specific Data for UCD CS only Student Profile information. Based on enrollment numbers and College yield probably less than 10% admit rate. UC Davis AggieData

UCR 2021 admit rate for CS was 37%. Updated for 2022 at 36%.

UCSC 2021 admits rate for CS was 71%. Updated for 2022 at 60%. Admissions Funnel

UCM 2021 admit rate for CSE was 85%. Updated for 2022 at 91% Undergraduate Applicants, Admits, and Enrollments | Center of Institutional Effectiveness


How did you find the UCSB figure? I can’t seem to find any major-specific data at the link provided.

I looked up the several years of enrolled numbers and yield numbers overall for Engineering and estimated a range. It may be off a little but definitely under 10%.

It’s very interesting that UCSD does not provide the admit rate by major while the other UCs are pretty upfront about it…

I agree about transparency of admit rates by major, but not all Colleges within each UC campus will admit by major. UC Davis is another school which does not have the admit by major information but can at least extrapolate out the possible number of admits by major using their enrollment data and overall yield rates.