UC Local and Statewide ELC eligibility

@Gumbymom Do you know of any statistics that break down acceptance between those kids who are flagged ELC and those that are not?

No, I am not aware of any statistical breakout based on ELC eligibility.

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This may provide some color


So for ELC students in 2020 it seems they had a 38% shot at Berkeley and 29% shot at UCLA

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Thank you for finding some great data. I wish it would include 2021 admits also. Time to take over my job :grinning:

Ha ha…I might have a Golden retriever, but I am a poor substitute for your expertise and diligence on the UC admissions process.

I live and breathe data and other people at home are embarrassed at the amount of time I’ve spent this cycle on scouring the internet for admissions related data.


Also, on average 80% of Berkeley and UCLA admits are ELC students. No surprise given the correlation between ELC and GPA, and the fact that ELC and GPA make up 2 of the 13 review factors.


OOS students aren’t categorized by ELC, right? I’m wondering if they account for the majority of the 20%.

Yes, I think you are right. OOS is a separate pool and ELC won’t matter within that pool but yeah I would expect high-stat OOS to make up the rest of the admit pool.

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What does ELC stand for? TIA!

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Same question :slight_smile:


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Eligibility in the Local Context


I second that.

And thanks for explaining “ELC” to us OOStaters :smile:


Confused about this 9% ELC – my son was told by UC (it’s on his portal, and he received a congrats from UC) that he’s top 9% statewide, but I’ve read here that due to not including other testing, statewide isn’t a thing? So does he still have top 9% status to the UC’s he’s applied to? And, guaranteed admission… somewhere.

Our high school doesn’t rank students so I though we wouldn’t be eligible for ELC. Turns out on the UC application, it says whether or not the applicant is ELC eligible. I learn something new on this forum everyday. Best of luck to all today!


There are two types of guarantees - Statewide and Local.

Our school doesn’t rank either. At some point in my children’s junior (or early senior) year, we were told that there was a chance that they would be in the top 9% at our HS. The HS asked for our consent to share information with the UCs if they qualified.


I know I read that they are still using that denomination, and using other data points to figure it out, I think it was college level courses, number of a-g. courses, etc? Sorry not to remember exactly how it was done. I hope someone more knowledgeable can help.


Yeah, they definitely keep track of that for ELC purposes. Rank is just not shared with students. In 11th grade, the school would have asked you the parent to sign a waiver to release your child’s data to the UCs. In the application itself you can see if the applicant qualified as ELC.


Yeah, exactly. The school never asked about sharing data but on the UC application, it says she is top 9% like you mentioned. Most parents probably aren’t aware that they can look on the application to check this.

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