UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Since decision time is coming up for UC San Diego, I have started the Waitlist/Appeal Discussion thread.

Waitlist timeline: Admits on May 9 and May 18. Some rejections May 23. Short listed admits May 17. Final rejections on June 18-30.

2022 CDS Data (edited from published CDS):
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 51369
Number accepting a place on the waitlist: 36113
Number of waitlisted students admitted: 2400

2021 Common Data Set Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:25,419
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:8,835
Number of waitlisted students admitted:0

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:19,714
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:14,265
Number of waitlisted students admitted:5,282

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:19976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 12426
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4313

Applicants selected for Waitlist

Select applicants will be invited to opt in to our waitlist through their Applicant Portal .
Being on the waitlist does not guarantee an offer of admission. We strongly urge students to accept another university’s admission offer before the appropriate deadline to ensure they have secured a spot at an institution.
By June 30, final decisions will be released to applicants who opt in to the waitlist. There is no appeal process for the waitlist.

For Appeals:

Appeals for Applicants Not Offered Admission or Waitlist

Every application to UC San Diego is reviewed thoroughly by at least two readers. Admission decisions are made carefully to meet the enrollment goals of the university. Therefore, successful appeals are very rare.

Applicants who have new and compelling academic information that was not presented in their original application, may submit an appeal through their Applicant Portal by March 31. No appeals will be accepted after the deadline.

Waitlisted students may not appeal.


I think my son is waitlisted. It appeared, I opted him in and now it’s disappeared.
UC GPA: 4.27, weighted: 4.5, unweighted 3.97
TONS of Extracurriculars: two environmental science internships (one with significant research at Ocean Institute),
Lots of APs & Honors
Great PIQS


How did they select students off the waitlist?

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They are selected based on UCSD’s institutional needs and if any spots open up for a specific major. For UCSD, many times you will be admitted into your alternate major or Undeclared.


Will the waitlisted student get a lower financial aid package? I heard the fund are limited.

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No, waitlisted admits will not get a lower package if accepted off the waitlist. If your are eligible for Federal/Cal Grant etc…. You will still be awarded that aid. The Middle Class scholarship is an estimate so funds are posted in August which could change.


Do waitlist admits typically get their first or second major? or do they enter undeclared? And do waitlist admits get the last pick in housing?

It really depends upon which major was your first choice. If you are waitlisted with a Capped major as your first choice, most likely if admitted off the waitlist it will be in either your alternate major or Undeclared.

According to the Waitlist FAQ, you are guaranteed housing but it may not be your first choice.


Hi - my daughter opted in to the waitlist, but I don’t think she was asked to submit a 200-word statement, as mentioned in the link you shared (see photo). Is that still a thing?



Sorry, there is no longer a waitlist essay. Which link are you using since I checked my original post and I do not mention anything about a waitlist essay?

I am looking at the link you shared above https://registrar.ucsd.edu/studentlink/admitfaqnfrswait.pdf#page4

The top of that page says you need to submit a 200-word statement when you opt in to the waitlist (but I now notice that the date on that document is 2011)

Thanks the link has been removed.


Thank you for all that you do - you are amazing!!


What are the chances for Waitlisted OOS students?

The waitlist data does not breakout admits by residency. If UCSD does not reach their target OOS admission yield, then they can admit OOS applicants. If they exceed their target, then they will not admit from the OOS pool.

Waitlists are all about Institutional priorities and need. My advice to all waitlisted applicants is to get excited about the schools that accepted you and move on. If admitted from the waitlist, then it will be icing on the cake.

Remember UC’s offer little to no financial aid to OOS students so expect to pay full fees at around $67K/year to attend and tuition costs will be going up next year.

Love the schools that Love you back.


Looks like 0 admits in 2021 might be a pandemic related aberration.
Any idea what really happened?
Is it unreasonable to expect 2020 & earlier conversion rate (30%) for UCSD waitlist?

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Yes, 2021 numbers are off due to the pandemic. The waitlist numbers vary from year to year so I would not try to make a prediction. So far this year has been very competitive for admissions again, so UCSD may see its yield go up.

Do you know if you can appeal the “undeclared major”? My daughter applied CS and got in undeclared. She got accepted to SLO and UCLA CS, so she has good options. She’s interested in research and the UCSD campus/culture might be more of a fit.

Any idea if you can appeal the major? Or is there a possibility that spots open up in CS and she’d be moved from undeclared to CS prior to May 1?

No you cannot appeal the Undeclared major. You can only appeal a denial from the University as a whole. Did she not select an alternate major for UCSD? For UCSD, they admit into the University first, then into the primary major, alternate major or Undeclared. If CS is the major she wants to pursue, then she needs to move onto those schools that accepted her into CS.

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