UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Since UCSC has started posting their decisions, I have started the Waitlist/Appeal discussion.

No time line in regards to waitlist admits for 2022 but denials were posted June 9 and the waitlist closed June 18.

Update from Common Dataset 2022:
Waitlist offers: 18,099
Accepting Waitlist offer: 11,919
Admits: 1,573

Remember that for the Waitlist, the # admitted varies from year to year.

Once all waitlist activities have concluded, students not offered admission from the waitlist will receive a final decision and may submit an appeal at that time. In addition, there is no appeal to be invited to join or be admitted from the waitlist.

Number of applicants offered waitlist: 19170
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 12541
Number admitted: 6633

Number of applicants offered waitlist: 16484
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 10370
Number admitted: 8870

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 12,859
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7,576
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4,676

Appeal information; Appeal of Denial of Admission | University of California Santa Cruz


Has UCSC sent admissions letters to all the applicants or not yet?

How does UCSC’s waitlist yield compare to other UC’s? I would imagine that UCB and UCLA take lower percentages of students from the waitlist, but haven’t seen any statistics.

Here is some UCLA and UCB data.

UCLA Waitlist 2022 common dataset.
Offers: 16979
Opt ins: 11169
Admits: 367

UCB Waitlist 2022 Preliminary from UC Conference:
Opt in: 4650
Admits: 48

You can see 2019-2021 data on this link: UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion


Waitlist admits and yield vary from year to year so difficult to compare.

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Do you know when students typically hear about the waitlist? Is it May? June?

In general, all waitlisted students should expect to hear after May 1 SIR deadline. If enough spots open up prior to that date, UCSC could pull from their waitlist. Much depends upon how many students enroll by May 1 and it varies from year to year. The Waitlist closed in June last year.

One concern I would have are waitlisted admits guaranteed housing since this has been an issue for several years.

All waitlisted students should enroll (SIR) in another school until they hear from the waitlist.

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@Gumbymom Any idea why the percentage of those admitted from the Waitlist at UCSC last year was so much lower than the previous years?

I believe the yield was up last year from previous years along with some housing issues.

Edited: I wanted to add the 2020 and 2021 waitlist numbers are outliers to due Covid issues. The numbers vary year to year so no way to know what this years outcome will be. Get excited about your other acceptances. Make sure you enroll in another school by May 1 since most likely you will not hear till after that date.


Waitlisted for CS. On the portal, it said that waitlist decisions will come in July.

Their waitlist closed June 18th last year so July is playing it safe.

Thanks for the information, Gumbymom. Where do you get the data? I’d like to poke through it to see if I can sniff out anything related to GPA, major, in-state, etc

The waitlist data can be found on the common dataset for most colleges if they publish the information.

See section C2 https://mediafiles.ucsc.edu/iraps/common-data-set/common-data-set-2022-23.pdf

The waitlist information will not give you any details other than the # waitlisted, # that accept the waitlist offer and # of admitted.

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All applicants have heard from them today.

How would pre-pandemic stats like 2019 represent potential waitlist admission chances. We can see that historically 2019-2021 ~>50% of opted applicants got admitted with 2022 being the exception.

So how does housing work for those that get in from the waitlist? Does UCSC guarantee on campus housing for those that get in from the waitlist?

Do they let you know what the housing situation is when they offer you a spot. Have been hearing they have a housing shortage and that rents in SC are crazy. We are in SJ, but I absolutely cannot see an 18 year old new driver driving over Hwy 17 in winter to get to SC from San Jose. If there is no confirmed on campus housing when they offer admission, this will be a dealbreaker with a delayed admit.

My bf’s daughter got off waitlist in late May 2021. This is her second year in the dorm. She got into a triple room first year and this year she got her single room.


Do you know if most freshman then get a triple due to housing shortage?

as far as she knew, most freshmen got a triple room

Couple of things can contribute to the variance in waitlist admits:

  1. Increase in the # of applicants from 2019-2022. A slight dip in 2020 due to the UC’s going to online instruction.
  2. Huge summer melt of 27.3% of students that SIR’d but did not end up enrolling in 2020 compared to 2019, 2021 and 2022.
  3. 2021 UC’s go test blind so over a 6000 application increase from the previous year
  4. 2022 had a record 66033 applicants and also admitted 300 less Freshman than the year before. 2022 had a higher yield than 2021.

Ultimately, the waitlist admits vary based on how many student SIR but also institutional needs. If they are overenrolled 1 year, then less admits the following year. Housing issues which have been present for several years.