University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

@Lasc28 , First off congratulations! You have already surpassed thousands who have applied. Only 90 are interviewed on Zoom. This is why it is so important to apply early at Pitt or anywhere that has very large scholarships if a student intends on applying! You will be interviewing in early, Nov, correct? Some rock star kids are just waking up and considering applying to Pitt!! Congrats. I looked up that old thread, and it shows my genuine excitement during the process. I won’t share exact questions out of respect for Mr. Roe Stamps and Pitt. But I will say this - the scholarship at Pitt is about global and domestic leadership potential. How does that relate to you? Why did they select you to interview? Know everything about yourself that Pitt and your PA Scholars Application has already revealed. Then, think some more! What about your interests and desires and goals relates to the Stamps Scholarship? Also, why are you attracted to the University of Pittsburgh? In other words, “Why Pitt”? Know your why. Any questions reveal the kind of student and person the candidates are. It is all well run. My D also did mock interviews. Many with many people. She prepared well and was able to articulate specifics about herself. Qualifying for this scholarship or any high stakes scholarship is not something you can fake. It has a purpose and candidates fit that purpose or not. And they can be brilliant and not fit the scholarship purspose. Be you, be genuine, and prepare well. Best of luck, and please let us know how it went! H2P!!