Unsure About Boarding School and Looking for Advice

I have to laugh at the idea that anyone is “sending their kid away." When our son opened his first BS acceptance letter, the first words out of his happy 14-year-old mouth were, “See you later, Mom!”

If you want to get a handle on how badly some kids want this, check out this forum in the weeks just before March 10th (decision day for many of the boarding schools the kids here covet). Let the kids tell you why they want to go. It’s generally not because their parents are beating them or prefer unencumbered time with the Howells at the club. :wink:

Boarding school was very tough for us, but we put on a brave face for our son’s sake. As I always say: For as much as we miss him, he’s missing nothing.

Nothing about @KRogers post rings true, just nothing. Threads like this appear occasionally and have been answered to death. A bit of searching should give you what you are looking for without making click-bait claims.