Upcoming changes to the Musical Theater Schools category

A list of artistic notifications (how, where and when) each year would be VERY helpful for MT parents. Here’s last year’s list awkwardly cobbled together because there is no wiki capability or dedicated MT admin. Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where - #2190 by dharmawins

MT students have to be accepted twice - academically and artistically and they are two separate tracks at most schools. It is highly stressful and competitive. And there’s no uniform method of notification and often no published dates for artistic notifications. Some schools call, some email, some update their portal, some are still snail mail. Some are rolling, some are all on the same date. While there is a lot of variation, there are patterns for each school year in and year out. Every year there’s “has anyone heard from Michigan” and every year Michigan notifies around the same date, all at once, in the same way.