Updating the category hierarchy

@CC_Jon , perhaps it would be good to have an easily accessible FAQ. There are some questions that come up over and over again, often in the College Admissions forum. Maybe ask long time users for a rundown of the most common questions so that people can quickly find an answer instead of starting a new thread, multiple times each application cycle.

This would be a good example: Teacher Letters of Rec- Does 1 have to be STEM?

As would this: Is it ok to accept multiple offers?

And this: Is a C grade enough to get my offer rescinded?

I actually am not sure if we have an FAQ section. (Edit, there is an FAQ section in the Community Forum, but it isn’t about admissions, etc…, but rather, pertains to CC issues specifically.)

Also, this is low priority, but I think a dedicated Travel subforum would be great! I’ve noticed a BIG increase in people asking for travel advice (myself included) that is unrelated to college visits, etc…

Overall, there is a lot of collective wisdom and experience from generally likeminded people here on CC. There are so many posts now about travel that they kind of hog attention from other topics in the Parent Cafe.