USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

If accepted: ACCEPTED
School/Major: Viterbi/CS games
City/State or Country you are in: Metro STL area in Illinois
Were you deferred Yes or No? Deferred
Will you attend? Probably, but he got his head turned by a contender after being deferred so we’ll see.

If rejected (and you feel like posting):
Let us know if you have mention of Trojan Transfer
And are you legacy? Yes – Child of Alum and 2 siblings at USC.

Add anything you want as well - like received FA inquiries this week in either case

I did not check his portal at all, but our FA requests were all resolved by mid January, with no subsequent requests

I honestly believe legacy is what pushed him over the top because you all have amazing stats. He is a NMF, perfect GPA weighted and unweighted. Valedictorian of a small school. 1580 SAT, first and only attempt. His EC were nothing impressive. He was on a couple 1st place in state math teams and your typical school stuff like NHS, Scholar Bowl. And he did some hobby coding/programming but no impressive research positions etc.

I thought his essays were good, but what do I know? We did not see the letters of rec. (His teacher did say he got a thank you from USC for the letter and that he has never gotten a thank you from a university for a letter of rec before. Not sure if that is SOP for USC, now, or if that was a sign of good things to come.)

Fight On and good luck to all!