UVA EA 2026 thread

Hey all, Didn’t see an EA forum for CO 2026 so I decided to start one. Feel free to post stats or say anything about UVA here


Thanks for creating. I’ve been surprised not to see an EA thread since decisions come out next month!

hahah no problem i didnt see one either… what are your stats

(full disclosure, I’m a parent!)

D’22 applied EA to UVA and I have to admit, time is moving slowly! Anyone know how many EA apps they received?


Does anyone have a box on the portal for mid year Grades? I sent mine in Early Dec and they do not show on my portal.

From the Admissions office blog, it seems 31K EA applications were received this year. I guess we are 10 days away from decisions, since last year they released on Feb 5 or so ?

Yes expecting decisions by 2/4

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Anybody knows what % of EA is accepted vs deferred vs rejected at UVA ?

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same here, does not show on portal. but on common app (where the school uploaded them), shows as downloaded. GC says that means it is ok, not to worry.

The midterm grades for my son’s school will not be ready till late second week of February is that a requirement for the application? When i log into his portal it shows all documents have been received and there is no pending document.

I think your son should not worry, as the university say “submit whenever available” for mid-term reports so there is leeway there for schools. If they really need to see it, they will likely send an email or ask for it on the portal.

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2020 EA decisions were released 1/31. So maybe 1/28/22.

That will be good. I was basing my timeline based on 2021 when the decisions came out on 2/5 I presume

We should be hearing a day in advance of the decisions from Dean J. Will check her twitter feed /post

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Where are you getting that date?

The dates are my estimate based on early ED decisions release by the University. No date has been officially communicated by the school.

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Last year the EA results were released on 2/5

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Is UVA need blind or need aware for INTERNATIONAL applicants?

Dean J updated her blog today and first noted the RECORD # of apps they received in each phase (ED, EA, RD) and then noted they were able to post EA results early the last two years. But today, all she promised is. “EA results will be available in February.” No “mid-February” anymore. Does this mean even later?!?!


Not getting it by 2/4 as i was expecting. Definitely later in the month. We will need to wait for another update from Dean J