Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

My daughter is feeling much better. According to the CDC calculator, she could get out of quarantine today, but she’s going to wait until tomorrow to be safe. She is feeling fine now, whew.

The whole wedding week was a disaster. She gave a ride to one of the groomsmen from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania, and he shared that that very morning, he went to check on his grandmother at her house and she had passed away! Then the bridesmaid infected quite a few people, including most of the wedding party, the bride and groom, and the bride and groom’s parents. It turns out the bridesmaid had attended a 200-person wedding days before and also visited her brother in Philadelphia. Ugh. The bride is having a hard time forgiving her, and I don’t blame her. Originally, the wedding party was going to be responsible for getting their own food, but the bride’s mother decided to cook a lot of nice meals and asked the kids to pitch in what they could. My daughter donated what she had budgeted to spend on food for the week. The infectious bridesmaid threw in $20! From what my daughter said, I don’t think this girl fully understands the havoc she wreaked.

When the bride and groom decided to cancel the wedding, they got a lot of backlash. Geez, THEY didn’t even feel good, and they sure didn’t want to chance infecting anyone else! The groom’s brother called him “selfish.” The wedding was at the lovely farm of the bride’s parents, but they are still out thousands of dollars and they don’t have that money to lose.

As maid of honor, my daughter had spent about $500 on an activity for the bachelorette party. That money is lost. The bride understands that D can’t do that again when the wedding is held, probably in October.

The next time, the wedding party will arrive shortly before the wedding and party afterwards. The canceled honeymoon in Portugal can’t be rescheduled for awhile. The groom started a very stressful job a few months ago, and he was so looking forward to getting away.

My daughter was supposed to sub at an office near the wedding site for a photographer who went on vacation, and that whole plan had to be scrubbed. That has long-term implications, because D’s boss was hoping to have D sub for employees all over the country, and this assignment was a trial to see how it would go.

Anyway, take this seriously. Just this morning, I got a text from my personal trainer that his roommate had just tested positive, so our session was canceled. Up until the last few months, I knew very few people who got COVID, but now I’m learning of someone new almost every day.