Vassar vs Wesleyan (Need to make a decision soon, please help!)

This post includes brief comments on Vassar in the context of comments on other liberal arts colleges: Struggling with D21's List. ED & ED2: Amherst, Hamilton, Wellesley, Vassar - #7 by merc81. I believe your range of interests would be well supported at Vassar. Regarding your perception of Vassar’s isolation, it seems relatively convenient by train to all of what New York City has to offer.

In terms of public transportation, at least, Wesleyan resides off the beaten track from major East Coast cities.

Either of these schools would be topnotch for neuroscience. It’s too bad, however, that neither offers a theatre minor.

Of note, perhaps, at both of these colleges is the gender disparity in admission. Vassar recently has accepted male applicants at a rate 62.5% greater than that for female applicants; Wesleyan recently has accepted male applicants at a rate 58.3% greater than that for female applicants.

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