Waitlists Movement, Chances, Questions

Anyone have any experience on WL and how it works for Indiana Bloomington MT and NYU MT

Also for Molloy/Cap21?

Just read in a thread from last year that people saw some Molloy WL movement mid-April, so good luck!

Indiana, Arizona, Ball state & BW :slight_smile:

SORRY, cant let this new thread go without posting this for the waitlist folks:


Would love to know more about WL at UCF!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Love that clip!! Thanks for the laugh.

Penn State MT WL info?

Does anyone have any experience with Baldwin Wallace Or UCF BFA Acting Waitlists? Thanks!

My daughter just got accepted, off waitlist, for UCF BFA MT! Yippee!

@JJactor92 Sorry, I don’t have any info on the UCF BFA Acting.

Congrats @Timesfour !

@Timesfour We are anxiously waiting to come off the list as well with a different school. I think your D is the first one who came off the list and posted to CC for Class of 2024! Congrats!

Did you receive your FA package along with the admission?

I hope many more movements are in the way!

Does anyone know anything about CalArts WL?

For BFA Acting ^^

I’ve been told there’s movement on WLs
over the past week but i wasn’t told which schools :frowning: That would have been helpful

@frisbee3 I found my way tonight to this thread called “Schools Released”. Hopefully there is school on your list mentioned in it.

@AbigCurveBall Sorry for the delay. I took a few days off to just enjoy my family for Easter.

My D had been accepted to UCF back in Dec and had already received her FA for academics. Someone from another forum mentioned that they had asked and that the dept aid wouldn’t be final until later in the summer.

Best of luck for you on the other wl.

Looking for information on Ball State Priority Waitlist and Syracuse Syracuse waitlist (both MT). Does anyone know anything about possibility of movement on these two schools? We have narrowed her acceptance offers down to one final school and cannot help and wonder if we should just go for that or keep waiting.

Honestly, I don’t think anyone will know much about the waitlist at any school.

Secondly, it is not like you give up the waitlist school when you commit to one of the accepted schools. You have until May 1 to put your deposit down at an accepted school. However, if a waitlist school makes an offer later down the line (and most waitlist movement is after May 1 when a school can ascertain their yield), you are allowed to take the offer from the waitlist school and let your original school know you will no longer be attending. You do lose your deposit, however. But this is how it officially works. Then, there is a domino effect when you give up your original school and then they will go to THEIR waitlist, etc.

@soozievt I believe select schools have extended, for this year, the deposit date from May 1st to June 1st (due to the coronavirus pandemic) but not all schools have done this… so this needs to be re-evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

@Twelfthman, that is correct that some schools extended the deposit date until June 1. But the advice is the same no matter the reply date. The quandary for the person who posted the question should not be whether to commit to an accepted school or wait to hear from the waitlist school. They should commit to an accepted school, but that doesn’t mean giving up on the WL school as that result will come out later (most likely after the reply date whether it be May 1 or June 1 for that particular school this year), and an offer, if given, can be accepted at that point, even if one committed to a college by the reply date.