We’re going to be editing a few popular threads

This may cause a lot of confusion for edge cases. For example, Northeastern is both not the class of 2025 due to the 5-year co-op program many do, and also has no official release date (the “By April 1st” date is always released before).

Maybe this is more my specific case, but I think the pinning system would be far better to indicate the active threads.

Another consideration is that I was not planning to make the official RD thread for my forum until next week to avoid too much release date speculation and anxiety.

With that in mind, I would suggest the following guidelines instead of what’s proposed above:

  1. Pin all official threads to their respective forums
  2. Lead with full school name (using common abbreviations, like SLO, only when it would be extremely lengthy or unrecognizable)
  3. Decision type next (EA, RD, SCEA, etc) using the abbreviation, ommited if all in one
  4. Year can be either 2021 or 2025 to consider cases of non-4 year schools like Northeastern, Drexel, Waterloo, etc
  5. Decision dates included in the first post, not in the title. Too many schools fall outside of having a set date that it’s nearly an edge case to have one

So for the above + Northeastern’s case:
University of Florida: Class of 2025 Decisions
Cal Poly SLO: Class of 2025 Decisions
University of Michigan EA: Class of 2025 Decisions
UC Irvine: Class of 2025 Decisions
University of Connecticut: Class of 2025 Decisions
University of Washington: Class of 2025 Decisions
Northeastern University RD: 2021 Decisions

Happy to discuss further but I think that title format is way too long as is and will break a lot of cases.

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