What is college like

To be honest, most of my anxiety back then was about doing (and worrying about not doing) enough to get into at least some form of college. I suppose deep down it mostly depends on what we envision our life goals as… Mine was (is) to be a researcher, eventually hopefully a scientist, and going to college is one of the most efficient ways to achieve that.

However!! I’ve been told and I’ve learned from numerous examples that college is definitely not something that is absolutely necessary for becoming successful and, most importantly, happy in life. I’d suggest do some research about some recommended ways to achieve your goals in life–and I guarantee a lot of these ways won’t involve college heavily.

In terms of what college is like, it probably can be anything we’d like it to be. You can take 7 classes a semester and be hosed every minute of the day, but you can also (in a much better way) be focused on what exactly you love to do, become really good at that, and then enjoy the freedom and free time college brings. One amazing thing about college, I believe, is that no matter how outlandish or uncommon your interests are, you’ll most probably find

  1. a bunch of people in college who share such interest and enthusiasm and
  2. lots of classes centering on almost exactly that

It’s the range of cool and incredible things college can provide you with that makes it a rather fulfilling experience! College can be (is!) hard, just like almost everything else in life, but at least for me, it’s a chance to do things, learn about things, and seize opportunities that I’d otherwise have no easier way to access:)