What really is the UMich Engineering HAIL Interview?

My daughter just had a short HAIL phone interview. The alum asked her a couple of questions about her strengths and interests, then answered a few of hers the best he could (he went there for grad school, not undergrad). He then told her not to contact him again and to direct all of her future questions to the admissions office. This remains her first-choice school, but it’s now only because I am an alum, and she went to a summer program in Ann Arbor and loved it. She said based on this interview alone, she would not be excited about the school. It’s disappointing, because I ended up going to Michigan because of a great interview with a gung-ho alum who sold me on the place. I still keep in touch with him, 30+ years later. I wonder if the university screens any of these interviewers to make sure they are as enthusiastic as they could be at selling the school (as another poster mentioned above). It would certainly be in their best interest.