What's the Policy about Affirmative Action Threads?

When I see an extremely long thread that I have not yet posted in, I stay away from it because I don’t want to wade through all of the previous posts before adding my own thoughts. Other posters have expressed similar attitudes toward long threads. So by merging a given thread with tokenadult’s FAQ, moderators are decreasing the probability that someone not already subscribed to that thread will respond. This does not serve the interests of the CC community.

I can appreciate the desire to keep the forums from getting cluttered. But I can’t understand how anyone who doesn’t like clutter sees merging threads as the solution. All it does is confine the clutter to a single thread. Dave_Berry recently [asked</a> for suggestions](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/community-forum-issues/532607-new-topics-forums-cc-nothing-new-under-sun.html]asked”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/community-forum-issues/532607-new-topics-forums-cc-nothing-new-under-sun.html) for how to improve CC. I propose that an affirmative action subforum be created in the College Admissions forum with tokenadult’s FAQ placed at the top as a sticky. Instead of moving all AA threads to the FAQ, mods could move them to the subforum. No more clutter, no more merged threads. What’s not to like?