When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

My son was accepted EA to Stanford in December. He had an UW 4.0. Fall semester he has been takin 5 AP classes, 4 synchronous with his regular high school teachers and one AP though a non-synchronous, self paced option because it was not available at his school due to his schedule. He got all As in the 4 APs through his school, but he is likely to get a C in the non-synchronous AP. He had an A going into the final but mixed up the last day to take the final for this class. The last date was on Thursday, but finals week ends on Friday. He had planned to take the final on Friday morning, and realized that he has missed the final. This will drop his grade to a C.

So my main question is whether we should proactively reach out to his AO and explain the situation. It was clearly his mistake, but not due to academic slacking. He will be taking the same classes next semester and I am sure he will be able to do well.