Why should I register on CC?

Every day thousands of people visit College Confidential without registering. Most are coming from Google to find one little bit of information. If that’s you, I hope you found it! Others come back regularly to read the site and don’t register because they see the value to signing up for yet another website. If that’s you, I hope to convince you to make an exception for us!

Top Ten reasons to register on CC

10. Share your admissions results.
9. Mute threads you don’t care about.
8. Bookmark interesting threads so you can find them later.
7. Manage your interface preferences (text size, default home page, etc.).
6. Build a list of colleges just for yourself or to share with other people.
5. Sign up for a regular newsletter that highlights important steps in the admissions process.
4. Ask our community of experts to match with colleges or rate your chances with your dream school.
3. Get feedback on your application essay.
2. Save your spot on long threads so that you can pick up where you left off.
1. Join the conversation around school decisions.