Wooster Class of 2027 Admit Thread

Just starting a thread to track results. EA should hear back this week?

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We heard yesterday. Admitted.


Lovely! Congratulations. Can you share any additional details - stats, or scholarships? Thanks.

Admitted yesterday with College Scholars award.

3.99 UW GPA
3 AP’s (can only take them as a junior or senior and <10 are available to take)
1 DE Physics class
4 Honors classes (all that are offered)
Girl Scout Gold Award
Lifeguard and Swim coach
3 season varsity athlete
Private Flute lessons for 9 years
Various community service activities


We also got the College Scholar award.

GPA over 4
31 ACT
Multiple honors and AP classes
Three sport athlete
Etc (TBH I don’t keep up with the exact stats)


Not sure if this thread is EA-specific, but I was just accepted RD w/ the 38k/yr Dean’s Scholarship! I’m very confused since I only applied a few days ago but I’m also very happy lol