Need FULL Tuition smallish schools in the MidAtlantic with 1360 SAT, high GPA.

Need FULL Tuition smallish schools in the MidAtlantic with 1360 SAT, high GPA.

More specifically, within about 3-4 hours of Wash DC

Wow, @mom2collegekids that is some challenge you have set…

Berea is an 8 hour drive, and SAT is in the top 25%

Financial aid eligible? or merit only?

Merit only. Yes it’s a challenge.

Berea won’t work

I’m wondering if any of CTCL would work?

@mom2collegekids try running the calculator for York college in Pennsylvania. Small LAC 2 hours from DC, offers merit and can be generous with FA for middle to upper middle.

Seconding York in PA.

What is the college budget? If it’s only $15,000 a year or less (which is what room and board would cost) this is going to be hard to find.

Is the student instate in the mid-Atlantic?


Hbcu Delaware State has a full tuition award for out of state.
Frostburg State may offer something but requires you to apply and attend interview.
Maybe Juniata or Allegheny. But net price likely to be 25k in mid Atlantic region with scholarships at private colleges.
Mt St Mary’s has essay competition for full tuition. “Two (2) full tuition Founder’s Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshman who perform superbly during an on-campus written exam in late January or early February and a personal interview for finalists in early March. Students must be invited into our Honors Program and meet certain academic criteria to participate. The requirement for participation is a 3.75 weighted GPA combined with either a SAT score of 1150 or higher (critical reading and math only), or an ACT score of 23 or higher. Invitations will be sent in November, December and early January to those students who qualify.”
Some some Catholic colleges like DeSales, may have similar. DeSales offers six:
“This is your chance to earn one of six DeSales University full-tuition scholarships. The leadership scholarship is offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales.
To be considered, complete a written essay: Tell us about your character and leadership experience by selecting one of the following leadership traits and writing an essay (500 words or less) on that selected trait:
Scholarship finalists will be invited for an interview with student life staff to determine if you’re one of our six Leadership Scholarship recipients!”

Stevenson has awarded four full tuition scholarships- the Presidential Fellowship:"Recognizing Leadership, Ambition, and Innovation

The Presidential Fellowship provides a full-tuition scholarship to support students who embody the mission of Stevenson University."

Dorsey Scholarship at McDaniel is a full tuition award, room and noard. 20 students out of the top 2% of applicants invited to compete. 3-5 awarded.

I’m interested because I’m seeking the same.

I second McDaniel, top of my list. Also, Elizabethtown, St Lawrence , Barry in Florida, Albright College, Manhattan College, Stevenson College in MD. Also some of the smaller SUNY colleges.

I think you will need to look at schools more obscure than the CTL lists. Little known schools like Dominican and other such unknown schools, if properly courted might bite. Utica college in Upstate NY came in stein for one of my kids. Hofstra can be generous but full tuition at 1360 is gonna be a stretch.

Washington and Jefferson. Wonderful LAC. Inside your radius I believe. Undergradgrad school of Roger Goddell of NFL fame as an example. Great success with premeds and others. Nice campus.

Not full tuition. But the Thrive scholarship is 34k and tuition is 44k so fairly close with the federal student loan. It comes with a lot of other perqs as well.

The requirements are 3.6gpa minimum, NHS and leadership qualities.

The exact details are laid out specifically if you google it.

Not mid Atlantic…but with scholarship…Flagler in St. Augustine might come in at their price point.

What can they actually pay? That is perhaps more important than just knowing they want full tuition.

Would qualify for $5k award at Shepherd University public LAC in West Virginia. OOS tuition about 18k before award.

Thank you!!! If you think of any others…

@mom2collegekids - St. Mary’s in Maryland?

I doubt this is going to happen based on GPA / merit. It might be lucky based on ECs/ connections / status (for example if you’re an URM, or if you win an essay contest) but it’s unlikely.

Best bet is probably to go to CC for a year or two, crush it, and get one of the CC-to-4-year scholarships which are out there.

I don’t agree. Getting any merit money as a transfer from community college is much more difficult than coming in straight from high school. Most merit money is aimed at getting a high stat freshman class.

Room and board costs can vary greatly too, so a dollar amount can be useful. The SUNY Maritime can come up with full tuition award for what they consider high test scores. Webb academy can too. But these are specialized schools, small as they may be.

There are some schools like Alice Lloyd that are low tuition. Many off the beaten path.

Not sure how much WVU would give, it’s 4 hrs away.


Some small catholic universities, like maybe Misericordia?

Other schools such as Susquehanna, Lycoming, Eastern University?

They should try the NPC at those schools.

Thanks @cptofthehouse and @privatebanker
Lol, I have been searching for this unicorn for some time with D20.

In mid Atlantic, some of the small private colleges have tuition discounting for stats, but full tuition awards tend to be competitive and rare.
Or they may also have strong religious or activity/affinity /major identities:,like Webb or SUNY Maritime for example
Regent in VA (started by Pat Robertson with COA around $20k)
Lynchburg is a Christian college with $20k-$24 k merit plus Freshman Scholarship Day competition for leadership or community service
VMI has additional merit to stack with ROTC
Hollins has a competitive full tuition award - but it’s a women’s college.
Capitol Technology Univ. has about a half tuition scholarship and a couple of competitive full tuition awards.