1/25/14 Audition

<p>Will any CC MTers be at the 1/25/14 audition? My hubby will be bringing my son.</p>

<p>I will be there… but, that is probably to be expected ;-)</p>

<p>Looking forward to meeting your son and husband this weekend.</p>


<p>Thanks Kate! You might recognize my son-- He did an MT dept. tour this fall, with a very small group, and we had the opportunity to speak with you for 20-30 minutes.</p>

<p>Hi Kate,</p>

<p>My daughter is auditioning on February 8. She has already been academically accepted to JMU and is really looking forward to being on campus (we drove through this past summer but didn’t have time for an official tour).</p>

<p>Quick question, what time will she need to check in for the MT audition? We are checking into our hotel the night before but not until pretty late. Also, we have tickets for the 8pm performance of Our Glorious Cause (really looking forward to seeing the JMU students perform!), will there be any problem making the show?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance, looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks!</p>

<p>SU88BFA-- I am good with faces… so I am sure I will recognize him! The information was sent with the audition schedule as well… but please feel free to contact me if H and S would like to sit in on classes Friday afternoon, or All Shook Up rehearsal Friday evening or Sunday afternoon (depending how long they will be in town).</p>

<p>Cellomom51 – Looking forward to meeting you too. The days are busy, and I am often running around from info session to auditions, etc… please do make a point to come up and say hi! In relationship to your question… is your D auditioning for MT ONLY or BOTH MT and Theatre? If BOTH the check in will be around 8am. If for MT ONLY the check in will be between 11am and 12:30PM. Because those auditioning for both MT and Theatre have a longer day we start them earlier in the am. </p>

<p>Regardless, auditions on Saturday should be done by 6PM-ish… so, no problem seeing Our Glorious Cause that evening. I am the advisor on the production and will see a run through this coming Sunday… I am looking forward to it! It is a original piece being workshopped and premiered here at JMU with a student director. There are Musical Theatre, Theatre, and Music students in the production. </p>

<p>Depending on how late you get in, we will have rehearsal for All Shook Up on Friday evening 6:30PM - 10:30PM. You and D are welcome to attend… we send this information out when we send the specific schedule a week to 10-days before the audition, but now you know earlier! We also rehearse All Shook Up from around 12PM - 6PM Sunday if you want to stop in before hitting the road on Sunday (if you are staying over Saturday night too). </p>

<p>Please let me know if you have additional questions. I also have a few student assistants who can answer questions from the student perspective.</p>

<p>Thanks, Kate! S and hubby will be driving up to JMU early Saturday morning (weather permitting), as he’s in Group 3. So, we won’t be there for any classes. We saw Boeing Boeing when we came up in Sept. Loved it!</p>

<p>Hopefully no snow this weekend! Regardless we will hold the audition that day :)</p>

<p>Thanks Kate.
My daughter is MT only so I guess her check in will be a little later. She will definitely try to attend one of the All Shook Up rehearsals. She was in that show at summer camp a couple of years ago and loves it!
No worries about any snow (except maybe cancelled flights), we’re from the Northeast and definitely used to it. See you in a couple of weeks!</p>

<p>cellomom51 – Yes… her check-in will be later. She still should be done in plenty of time for Our Glorious Cause.</p>

<p>When we send out the specific schedule… about a week before the audition date… we send information about rehearsals that can be visited on Friday night or Sunday day. Most shows take Saturday as the “day off.” </p>

<p>See you soon!</p>

<p>SU88BFA – I did recognize your son! It was great to meet him again!</p>

<p>Now that I see your new pic… and look at your screen name, I think you may have graduated from Syracuse in 1988 with a BFA? I am a 1994 Syracuse BFA grad, so we just missed each other by a couple of years on the tundra of Syracuse, NY. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Yes, Kate-- I bleed Orange! Couldn’t help but use Otto as my picture. And I did graduate in 88- My degree was in computer graphics. (Way back when, when computers were just starting out…most students still had typewriters! LOL) Yikes…I’m dating myself.</p>

<p>My son had a very positive experience at JMU this weekend-- Thank you! We’re keeping our fingers crossed.</p>